Galad, often called a "secretive" or "unrewarded" villain of the DC Universe, is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe. The character, originally depicted as a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, has a history spanning over several decades and has had several versions.
The "Galad" is a small green machine from an Earth in a universe where alternate versions of characters from DC Comics exist.
The character is famous for his feud with the Superman of Earth-Three and has one of the rarest superpowers of the universe: the ability to fly.
He is "the" Cadet Leader of the Legion of Super-Heroes (though some question the very legitimacy of that title) and has succeeded in re-forming his Legion while his mentor, Superboy Prime, is still around.
He is "the" Cadet Leader of the Legion of Super-Heroes (though some question the very legitimacy of that title) and has succeeded in re-
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